It used to simply be an noun, implying delight and pleasure. All of a sudden, "Glee" is an American phenomenon, with covers of eighties songs, appearances on every red carpet and their faces popping up on every early morning talk show. Every damn Tuesday night my Facebook dashboard gets taken over by a status updates of "GLEEEEEEEEEE! :D" I get it! It's a great show. The music is usual pretty good, and Jane Lynch is absolutely hilarious. Not to mention that really awesome episode dedicated to Lady Gaga (although I'm still trying to figure out why 'Pokerface' is an appropriate duet to perform with your mother, Rachel Berry.)

(Glee cast in their Lady Gaga inspired outfits. Image courtesy of Glamour)
Glee has dominated the airwaves. Their covers are on iTunes, they have a Facebook, and their songs are plastered all over Youtube. I think Glee is in the running with Google to dominate the internet. Convergent media kids. You could listen to Glee, read their updated Facebook status, and download the newest episode all off your smart phone! Besides, like Media & Culture talks about, TV is becoming completely obsolete, because you can watch the latest episodes of Glee on Hulu!
Very good blogging, Lauren.
ReplyDeleteNever dangle a video embed at the bottom of a blog post.
Give us some more GLEE analysis.
Love the show.
You are on your way!
Dr. W